QVYFC Board Information


The mission of the QVYFC is to provide eligible youth with a positive, safer environment to learn the fundamentals of football and cheerleading, while encouraging good sportsmanship and teamwork.

Our Coaching Philosophy

QVYFC coaches will adhere to the following coaching philosophy:

  • Keep focused on our main objective: To provide our children with a positive experience in  football.
  • Teach through positive reinforcement.
  • Encourage that through hard work and the desire of not giving up, anything can be achieved.
  • Motivate and challenge all of the children on a team.
  • Teach football fundamentals to enable a good foundation for future years.
  • Be competitive but fair, be aggressive but respectful, be tough but compassionate and maintain balance in coaching.
  • Learning what it means to be a part of a team, which sometimes involves self-sacrificing individual desires for the good of the team
  • Win or lose, keep it fun and help explain the lessons along the way

Continued Growth

Finally, I would encourage you and all of our coaches to recruit new families into our organization so that we can grow our football and cheer family! there is a long tradition of coaches and families recruiting players for this organization and that tradition will continue. I am committed to doing what I can to improve what others have done before me and with your help I know we can do it.

We are always looking for coaches, so if you are interested in coaching, or have any questions about it contact admin@qvyfc.org.

Rich Mudd
General Manager

President Kelly Miller  
Vice President Nick O'Neill  
Secretary Katie Diemert  
Treasurer Chris Pacellio  
General Manager Rich Mudd  
Cheer Coordinator Meg Carter  
Fundraising Manager Bethany Mudd  
Concessions Manager    
If you are interested in joining our board please reach out us at admin@qvyfc.org    



The Quaker Valley Youth Football and Cheerleading organization (“QVYFC” or “the Organization”) provides development and instruction in youth football and cheerleading in the Quaker Valley area. The Organization aims to promote discipline, dedication, teamwork, and community spirit, and encourages both athletic and academic achievement for its players and cheerleaders. QVYFC is a proud member of the Quaker Valley Community and promotes the involvement of players and cheerleaders in the community.

QVYFC was incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on November 9, 1976. QVMYC is a tax-exempt organization pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is registered as a nonprofit corporation in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


Members are all (1) players and cheerleaders registered to participate in the QVYFC program (“the Program”); and (2) parents or guardians having a child or children registered to participate in the Program.

All Members shall agree to abide by the Organization’s Bylaws and Code of Conduct. The Member Code of Conduct shall be provided to each parent/guardian prior to the start of the season. The Athlete Code of Conduct shall be provided to each player/cheerleader prior to the start of the season. Copies of the Member Code of Conduct and the Athlete Code of Conduct shall also be available on the QVYFC website. Signed copies of the Member Code of Conduct and the Athlete Code of Conduct shall be returned to the Organization within one week of the parent/guardian and player/cheerleader’s receipt of the Code of Conduct. Failure to submit the Code of Conduct will result in removal from the Program for the parent/guardian and/or football player/cheerleader.

QVYFC Members who violate the Code of Conduct will be subject to removal from the Organization by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board. Following a vote for removal, the QVYFC Member will be notified by formal letter of the decision and the reasons for removal.

All Members are encouraged to attend regularly-scheduled monthly meetings of the Board of Directors (“the Board”).

The Officers of the Organization will be elected for a two-year term at the close of the football season. The date for elections will be determined by the Board of Directors, with notification to all Members of the Organization. The Officers of the Organization will be as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

President – The President oversees the Organization and its functions and acts as the face of the Organization. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and by virtue of the office, shall be Chairperson of the Board of Directors. The President shall also coordinate and administer the Organization’s scholarship program, including presenting scholarship applicants to the Board, registering scholarship recipients, and ensuring that scholarship recipients meet all requirements of the Scholarship Program. The President shall also be responsible for overseeing the Organization’s special events, including, but not limited to, team pictures, Senior Night, and the end-of-season banquet. It will be the President’s responsibility to see that the purpose, goals, policies, directives, and plans of the Organization are implemented. The President shall have a vote only in the event of a tie.

Vice President – The Vice President acts as a substitute and coordinator for all other Board Positions, as defined below. The Vice President shall, in the event of the absence or inability of the President to exercise his or her office, become acting President of the Organization. The Vice President shall perform other duties and functions as directed by the President and Board of Directors.

Secretary – The Secretary oversees and coordinates the internal communications of the Organization and shall serve as a conduit for communication between the Board, Coaches, and Members. The Secretary shall be responsible for sending internal email communications to provide information to Directors, Coaches, and Members about QVYFC-related events, activities, and other necessary information. The Secretary is responsible for scheduling monthly Board Meetings, providing Directors with notice of the meetings, and preparing and circulating Agendas for the meetings. The Secretary shall record the minutes and attendance for all Board Meetings and shall maintain a record of the meeting minutes on file. The Secretary shall serve as the custodian of the Organization’s records and is responsible for maintaining accurate documentation. The Secretary shall be responsible for collecting and maintaining all records required by the Organization for the registration of players and cheerleaders. The Secretary shall also be responsible for collecting and maintaining all required criminal history and child abuse clearances for Directors and Coaches and for distributing game badges to Coaches. The Secretary shall oversee the recruitment of volunteers for the Organization’s activities and shall work with the other Directors to ensure that all volunteer slots are filled for home games.

Treasurer – The Treasurer oversees and coordinates the financial functions of the Organization. The Treasurer shall receive all funds and pay the Organization’s obligations, as approved by the Board. The Treasurer shall maintain the Organization’s checking account, as required by law, and shall provide a detailed monthly financial report at the monthly meetings of the Board. All checks or drafts of the Organization shall require the signatures of two Officers. The Treasurer will be one of the Officers who shall sign the Organization’s checks or drafts. Only in the event that the Treasurer will be unavailable for an extended period of time may two other Officers of this Organization sign the checks or drafts. The Treasurer shall be responsible for communicating with the Organization’s accountant and submitting annual tax return forms. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for maintaining the Organization’s insurance policies.

The business of the Organization shall be managed by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of the four (4) Officers of the Organization along with seven (7) Board Members. The Board of Directors shall control and manage the affairs and business of the Organization, including determining policies, establishing budgets, authorizing the payment of
invoices, electing officers, disciplining QVYFC Members, approving Coaches and, in general, doing all things necessary and proper to further the purposes and goals of the Organization.

The Board of Directors will be elected for a two-year term at the close of the football season. The date for elections will be determined by the Board of the Directors with timely notification to all Members of the Organization. Any Member of the Organization in good standing may be nominated for a Board Position by notifying the current Secretary prior to the election meeting. That nomination must be seconded by a current Director. The Board of Directors will vote on the nomination and the nomination will pass by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote. No person can hold more than one Board Position at the same time. Seven (7) members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for conducting the business of the Organization at all meetings.

To remain in good standing, each Director is required to attend the scheduled meetings of the Board of Directors. The missing of three (3) consecutive meetings will be cause for removal from the Board of Directors, at the discretion of a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote by the Board. Notice of such a motion for removal shall be given to the Director in writing at least two (2) days prior to the next Board meeting at which the removal will be up for a vote.

Directors are expected to exhibit exemplary behavior that supports the purpose and goals of the Organization. Behavior that may warrant removal from the Board includes, but is not limited to: unethical behavior, misuse of funds, fraudulent activity, disclosing confidential information, not fulfilling organizational responsibilities, or violations of any of the Organization’s Codes of Conduct. Any such removal shall be based upon documented facts. Prior to removal, the Director shall meet with the President and one additional Director to discuss the reasons for removal. The President shall present a summary of that meeting to the remaining Directors and with a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, the Director shall be removed from the Board of Directors. The Board shall provide to the removed Director a formal letter documenting the reasons for removal. In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Directors, the balance of the elected Directors shall appoint a replacement to complete the term of that Director.

Directors shall not receive any monetary compensation or other benefits for their services as Directors but may be reimbursed for necessary expenses, as approved by the Board of Directors. Written expense reimbursement requests must be presented to the Treasurer and be approved by the Board of Directors for all expenses for which reimbursement is requested.
All Officers and Board Members of this Organization shall be required to obtain and maintain appropriate criminal history and child abuse clearances.

The seven (7) Directors that will serve as Board Members will also be responsible for the following Board Positions. Each Board Member responsible for a Board Position may make a motion to appoint a subcommittee of up to three Members to assist with the functions of the Board Position. Members of subcommittees are under the direction of the active Board Member in that position.

General Manager – The General Manager oversees and coordinates all functions of the football program and the football Coaches. The General Manager shall serve as a liaison between the Organization, the governing football League, and the Quaker Valley School District. He or she shall attend scheduled League meetings and shall ensure QVYFC’s compliance with League Bylaws. The General Manager shall be responsible for recruiting, assigning, and working with the football Coaches. The General Manager shall be responsible for creating football camp and practice schedules and shall coordinate game and practice schedules with the Quaker Valley Athletic Director. The General Manager is responsible for creating football player rosters and within one week prior to the first scheduled game, he or she shall distribute the rosters to other General Managers within the governing football League. The General Manager shall be responsible for handling football player weigh-ins for all games and all QVYFC teams. He or she shall also be responsible for coordinating with the QVYFC photographer for all individual and team photographs for football players. The General Manager shall also be responsible for overseeing the purchase of end-of-year awards for football players and Coaches and presenting the awards at the end-of-season banquet. The General Manager shall also be responsible for gifts and presentation at Senior Night.

Cheer Coordinator – The Cheer Coordinator oversees and coordinates all functions of the cheer program and the cheer Coaches. He or she shall serve as a liaison between the Organization and representatives of the Quaker Valley School District cheer program and shall ensure compliance with the governing football League Bylaws. The Cheer Coordinator shall be responsible for recruiting, assigning, and working with the cheer Coaches. He or she shall also be responsible for the intra-team placement of cheer squad members based upon age, experience, and ability, and for creating cheerleader rosters. He or she shall be the representative on the Board of Directors for the cheer squads and shall serve as the liaison between the Board of Directors and the cheer Coaches. The Cheer Coordinator shall be responsible for creating cheer camp and practice schedules. He or she shall be responsible for coordinating with the QVYFC photographer for all individual and team photographs for cheerleaders. The Cheer Coordinator shall also be responsible for overseeing the purchase of end-of-year awards for cheerleaders and Coaches and presenting the awards at the end-of-season banquet. The Cheer Coordinator shall also be responsible for gifts and presentation at Senior Night.

Football Equipment Manager – The Football Equipment Manager oversees and coordinates all functions for football equipment and uniforms, including uniforms for football Coaches. He or she shall establish a budget and maintain an inventory for all football-related equipment and uniforms. With respect to the purchase, repair, or reconditioning of any equipment or uniforms, the Football Equipment Manager shall present the proposal for such purchase, repair, or reconditioning to the Board for approval. He or she shall also be responsible for the distribution and collection of equipment and uniforms, as well as the repair, replacement, and storage of equipment and uniforms. The Football Equipment Manager shall be responsible for collecting signed Equipment Forms from players and parents/guardians. At all practices and games, the Football Equipment Manager shall be present to distribute equipment and uniforms, as necessary. In the event that the Football Equipment manager will be unavailable for a game or practice, he or she is responsible for finding a substitute Director to handle the distribution of equipment and uniforms. The Football Equipment Manager is also responsible for maintaining the equipment shed.

Cheer Equipment Manager – The Cheer Equipment Manager oversees and coordinates all functions for cheer equipment and uniforms, including uniforms for cheer Coaches. He or she shall establish a budget and maintain an inventory for all cheer equipment and uniforms. With respect to the purchase, repair, or reconditioning of any equipment or uniforms, the Cheer Equipment Manager shall present the proposal for such purchase, repair, or reconditioning to the Board for approval. He or she shall also be responsible for the distribution and collection of equipment and uniforms, as well as the repair, replacement, and storage of equipment and uniforms. The Cheer Equipment Manager shall be responsible for collecting signed Equipment Forms from cheerleaders and parents/guardians. He or she shall also be responsible for selecting additional required cheer uniforms/equipment that parents/guardians will be responsible for purchasing prior to the start of the season. The cost for the additional uniforms/equipment shall not exceed $100 per cheerleader. The Cheer Equipment Manager shall be responsible for presenting to the Board any proposals for fundraising which may be used to offset the cost of the additional uniforms/equipment. If the Board approves the fundraising proposal, the Cheer Equipment Manager shall be responsible for managing the fundraising effort. The Cheer Equipment Manager is also responsible for maintaining the equipment shed.

Fundraising Manager – The Fundraising Manager oversees and coordinates all of the Organization’s fundraising efforts. He or she shall establish and present yearly goals for revenue generation. The Fundraising Manager shall coordinate at least one annual fundraising event and shall manage Spirit Wear sales. At home games, the Fundraising Manager shall be responsible for coordinating raffles and other game-day fundraising activities. The Fundraising Manager shall oversee and manage the production of program books, including the selling of advertising space to QVYFC Members, community members, and businesses. The Fundraising Manager shall be responsible for soliciting the assistance of QVYFC Members in all fundraising activities. All QVYFC Members should be encouraged to participate in fundraisers. All fundraising activities shall be approved by the Board. Any funds collected through fundraising activities will be controlled and counted by the Fundraising Manager and another Board member and shall be recorded and deposited by the Treasurer into the Organization’s bank account.
Concessions Manager – The Concessions Manager oversees and coordinates all functions involving concession sales and purchases. He or she shall establish and present a yearly budget for concession purchases and shall maintain an inventory of concession supplies. The Concessions Manager shall maintain a record of donated concession supplies. He or she shall be responsible for creating a menu of concession items and establishing pricing of concession items. The Concessions Manager shall recruit volunteers to assist with concession sales at home games and is responsible for ensuring that volunteer slots are filled prior to all home games. Any large equipment to be purchased for use by the Concessions Manager shall be presented to the Board for approval. The Concessions Manager shall also be responsible for organizing and managing the Organization’s end-of-season banquet. This includes selecting a venue, choosing a menu, managing the sale of banquet tickets, and coordinating with the General Manager and Cheer Coordinator with respect to awards for players and cheerleaders.

Communications and Marketing Coordinator – The Communications and Marketing Coordinator oversees and coordinates the Organization’s external communications and marketing efforts. He or she shall be responsible for promoting the Organization through the use of the QVYFC website, Facebook page, and social media. The Communications and Marketing Coordinator shall develop and maintain the QVYFC website, Facebook page, and any social media accounts, and is responsible for managing the online registration process. The Communications and Marketing Coordinator shall maintain online registration counts, compile email lists from the online registration process, and provide updated email lists to the Secretary. The Communications and Marketing Coordinator shall also be responsible for promoting the Organization through the use of yard signs, street banners, fliers, and other promotional materials. The Communications and Marketing Coordinator shall assist the Fundraising Manager with the production of program books, including the selling of advertising space to QVYFC Members, community members, and businesses.

Safety Coordinator – The Safety Coordinator oversees and coordinates all functions related to the USA Football requirements. He or she is required to attend yearly training related to Heads Up Football and to schedule Heads Up Football training for all QVYFC football Coaches. The Safety Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that QVYFC Coaches follow proper safety guidelines and protocols throughout the season. He or she shall also apply for any grants or funding available through USA Football.

Each football and cheer team will have one Head Coach. Each Head Coach may select up to five (5) Assistant Coaches. Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches shall be selected by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board. All QVYFC Coaches shall be required to obtain and maintain appropriate criminal history and child abuse clearances. Coaches shall also be required to obtain and display an authorized badge during games. Coaches are required to abide by the QVYFC Coach Code of Conduct.
The General Manager/Cheer Coordinator and one other Director shall review any request for the removal of a Coach from the Program. The General Manager/Cheer Coordinator and other Director shall present the reasons for removal to the Board of Directors. The Coach will be removed from the Program by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board. Following a vote for removal, the Coach will be notified by formal letter of the decision and the reasons for removal.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, no Director shall be personally liable for monetary damages as such for any action taken, or any failure to take any action, unless:

  1. The Director has breached or failed to perform the duties of his/her office in good faith, in a manner he/she reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the Organization, and with such care, including reasonable inquiry, skill and diligence, as a person of ordinary prudence would use under similar circumstances; and
  2. The breach or failure to perform constitutes self-dealing, willful misconduct, or recklessness.

The provisions of this section shall not apply to:

  1. The responsibility or liability of a Director pursuant to any criminal statute; or
  2. The liability of a Director for the payment of taxes pursuant to local, state, or federal law.


  1.  To the extend not inconsistent with the requirements of Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c) (3), and unless prohibited by law, the Organization shall indemnify any Officer or Board Member of the Organization made or threatened to be made a party to any civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative action, suite, or proceeding (whether brought by or in the name of the Organization or otherwise) arising out of such person’s service to the Organization or to another Organization at the Organization’s request against all expenses (including attorneys’ fees), judgments, fines, and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by such person in connection with such action, suite, or proceeding. Persons who are not Officers or Board Members of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as "Other Persons") may be similarly indemnified in respect to such service to the extent authorized at any time by the Board of Directors and permissible under Pennsylvania law. Such right to indemnification, whether of Officers, Board Members, or Other Persons, shall not apply in relation to matters as to which such person shall be finally adjudicated to have been guilty of willful misconduct or recklessness.
  2.  Expenses which the Organization is obligated to indemnify pursuant to paragraph (a) above, including expenses of Other Persons whose indemnification has been properly authorized by the Board of Directors, shall be paid by the Organization upon receipt of an undertaking (in form and scope satisfactory to the Organization) by or on behalf of such person to repay such amount if it shall ultimately be determined that he is not entitled to such indemnification.
  3. The indemnification and advancement of expenses provided by this section shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which a person seeking indemnification may be entitled under any Bylaw, vote of Directors, agreement or otherwise, and shall continue as to any person who has ceased to be an Officer or Board Member of the Organization or to otherwise perform services for or at the request of the Organization and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors and administrators of such person.
  4. The Organization shall purchase and maintain insurance, create a fund of any nature, grant a security interest or otherwise secure or insure in any manners its indemnification obligations, whether arising hereunder or otherwise.

Regular meetings of the Organization shall be held during the third week of each month eleven (11) months of the year, unless otherwise scheduled by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board. The Board of Directors will not meet during the month of December. The meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise scheduled by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board.

The presence of not less than seven (7) Directors shall constitute a quorum and shall be necessary to conduct the business of the Organization; if a quorum cannot be reached, a meeting may be postponed for no more than two (2) weeks.

No later than one (1) week prior to a scheduled monthly Board Meeting, the Secretary shall request that Directors submit agenda topics. Directors shall have up to 48 hours prior to the meeting date to submit agenda topics. On or before the day of the scheduled meeting, the Secretary shall circulate copies of the final agenda to all Directors.

No later than one (1) week prior to a scheduled monthly Board Meeting, the Secretary shall circulate a draft of the meeting minutes from the prior meeting of the Board of Directors. At the start of the scheduled monthly Board Meeting, the Secretary shall present the meeting minutes to the Board and the Board shall hold a vote to approve the minutes from the previous Board Meeting. The meeting minutes shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board.

Special meetings of the Organization may be called by the President when he or she deems it to be in the best interest of the Organization. The President shall provide notice of such a special meeting at least 48-hours in advance by email or phone. Such notice shall state the reasons that such meeting was called, the business to be transacted at such meeting, and which Director requested the special meeting. In the event that a quorum cannot be reached in a timely manner for such a special meeting, the President may take a vote on any matter by a phone or email poll, provided that a quorum of seven (7) Directors is attained for the phone or email poll.

At all Board meetings, votes shall be oral, unless a special request is presented to the President for a ballot vote.
A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote is required for all actions by the Board of Directors, with the President voting only in the event of a tie. For any action that requires a vote, a Director must first make a motion, another Director must second that motion, and all other Directors present shall cast a vote (with the exception of the President). The President shall cast a vote only in the event of a tie. Any Director abstaining from a vote much state so on the record.

From time to time, as the needs of the Organization may require, voting may be done via email or through other electronic means. In such circumstances, the Director requesting such a vote must set forth the reasons necessitating the electronic vote. The electronic communication requesting such a vote shall be sent to all Directors. If a two-thirds (2/3) majority of Directors object to proceeding via email or other electronic means, the vote cannot proceed. If Directors do not object to an electronic vote, the vote may proceed, provided that a quorum of seven (7) Directors participate in the electronic vote. The Secretary shall maintain a record of any votes conducted via email or through other electronic means.


  1. Roll Call
  2. Presentation of the minutes of the preceding meeting
  3. Presentation of the monthly Treasurer’s Report
  4. Reports of Officers/Board Members
  5. Old and unfinished business
  6. New business
  7. Adjournment

These Bylaws may be altered, amended, repealed, or added to, by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the Board of Directors.

Any player or cheerleader registered with the Quaker Valley School District is eligible to register to participate in the Program. Players or cheerleaders not registered with the Quaker Valley School District may request to participate in the Program and will be eligible to participate by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote by the Board of Directors, at the discretion of the Directors, so long as the player/cheerleader’s registration with QVYFC is not in violation of any of the existing rules, policies, or Bylaws of the governing football League.

The Board of Directors will set registration dates prior to the start of the upcoming season. No football or cheer registrations will be accepted after the third game of the season. Football players and cheerleaders will register for teams based upon governing football League guidelines. Registration for a football player or cheerleader is not complete until all of the following are submitted to the Organization: registration fee, physical form, medical consent form, a signed Uniform Agreement, a signed Member’s Code of Conduct, and a signed Player’s Code of Conduct. Physical forms may be waived for cheerleaders at the discretion of the Board by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.

Once registered, a cheerleader may be moved to a different team depending upon squad sizes, the needs of the squads, and/or the cheerleader’s ability and experience. The decision to move a cheerleader is left to the discretion of the Cheer Coordinator upon consultation with the cheer Coaches.

If a player or cheerleader is unable to pay in full for registration by the required date, payment plans or sponsorships may be available to assist with registration fees. The decision to offer a payment plan or sponsorship will be at the discretion of the Board by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.

The parents/guardians of any players or cheerleaders participating through QVYFC’s sponsorship program will be required to participate in at least two of the Organization’s fundraising activities as a condition of participation in the sponsorship program, unless this requirement is waived by the Board by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.

I. Purpose:
The purpose of the following policy and procedures is to prevent the personal interests of members of the Board of Directors, Members, and volunteers from interfering with the performance of their duties to QVYFC and to prohibit personal financial or political gain on the part of such persons at the expense of QVYFC or its Members, supporters, and other stakeholders.

II. Statement of Policy:
Anyone in a position to make decisions about spending QVYFC’s resources, i.e., transactions such as purchases or contracts, who also stands to benefit from that decision has a duty to disclose that conflict as soon as it arises (or becomes apparent) and he or she should not participate in any final decisions relating to such purchasing or contracting.

III. Necessity for Full Disclosure:
Full disclosure of all conflicts of interest by notice shall be in writing, shall be made by the interested parties to the full Board of Directors, and includes, but not limited to the following:

  • A Board Member is related to another Board Member by blood or marriage.
  • A Board Member or their organization, family, business, or employer benefits from a QVYFC transaction or receives payment from QVYFC for any subcontract, goods, or services, other than as part of his or her regular job responsibilities or as reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred as provided in the Bylaws and Board policy.
  • A Board Member or Member is a member of the governing body of a contributor to QVYFC.
  • A volunteer working on behalf of the QVYFC who meets any of the situations or criteria listed above.

IV. Procedures for Addressing Conflicts of Interest:

  • Following full disclosure of a possible conflict of interest or any condition listed above, the Board of Directors shall determine whether a conflict of interest exists and, if so, the Board of Directors shall vote to authorize or reject the transaction or take any other action deemed necessary to address the conflict and protect QVYFC’s best interests. Both votes shall be by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote without counting the vote of any interested Director, even if the disinterested Directors are less than a quorum.
  • An interested member of the Board of Directors, Officer, or Member shall not participate in any discussion or debate of the Board of Directors, or of any committee or subcommittee thereof in which the subject of discussion is a contract, transaction or situation in which there may be a perceived or actual conflict of interest. However, they may be present to provide clarifying information in such a discussion or debate, unless objected to by any present member of the Board of Directors or committee.

V. Distribution:

  • These Bylaws shall be given to all members of the Board of Directors, Members, volunteers or other key stakeholders upon commencement of such person's relationship with QVYFC.

I. Purpose:
To ensure that QVYFC’s Board of Directors and Members avoid fraud or related misconduct, and conduct themselves in accordance with high ethical standards in reporting, investigating and resolving fraud or related misconduct, as defined in

II. Statement of Policy:

  • Fraud is defined as a willful or deliberate act with the intention of obtaining an unauthorized benefit, such as money or property, by deception or other unethical means. All fraudulent acts or related misconduct are included under this policy and include, but are not limited to, such activities as:
    • Embezzlement, theft, misappropriation or other financial irregularities.
    • Forgery or alteration of documents (checks, time sheets, contractor agreements, purchase orders, other financial documents, electronic files).
    • Improprieties in the handling or reporting of financial transactions.
    • Misappropriation of funds, securities, supplies, inventory, or any other asset (such as equipment and materials), including assets of QVYFC, Members, suppliers, or others with whom the Organization has a business relationship.
    • Authorizing or receiving payment for goods not received or services not performed.
    • Authorizing or receiving payments for expenses not accrued and documented.
  • Fraud and related misconduct will not be tolerated. Directors, Coaches, or Members found to have engaged in such conduct will be subject to disciplinary action, including expulsion from QVYFC.
  • Directors, Coaches, and Members are expected to use their best efforts to recognize risks and exposures inherent to their areas of responsibility and to be aware of indications of fraud and related misconduct. Any reprisal against any reporting individual because that individual, in good faith, reported a violation is strictly forbidden. Any Director, Coach, or Member who knows or has reason to know of fraud or related misconduct shall report that to the President of the Board of Directors. If the President of the Board of Directors of QVYFC is involved in fraud or related misconduct, that shall be reported to the Allegheny County District Attorney’s Office or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General.
  • When fraud or related misconduct is reported, an appropriate investigation and all necessary action will be undertaken. All investigations of alleged wrongdoing will be conducted in accordance with applicable laws and procedures, including:
    • All Members of the Board of Directors, Coaches, or Members necessary to the investigation will cooperate fully in the investigation.
    • Members of the Board of Directors, Coaches, or Members should direct all inquiries from any individual who is believed to be involved in fraud or related misconduct, his or her representative, or his or her attorney, and all inquiries from the media to the President of the Board of Directors, or the prosecuting authority, as appropriate.
    • Neither the existence nor the results of investigations or other follow up activity will be disclosed or discussed with anyone other than those persons who have a legitimate need to know in order to perform their duties and responsibilities effectively.
  • Once the investigation is completed, the Board of Directors will take one or more of the following steps:
    • Consult with any attorney.
    • Take appropriate action and steps to minimize recurrence.
    • Report the results of the investigation to the QVYFC Board of Directors.

QVYFC is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations described under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction in the county in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

If you are interested in becoming a member of our board, please use this link to fill out the application

PO Box 182
Leetsdale, PA 15056
General Info: info@qvyfc.org
Football: footall@qvyfc.org
Cheer: cheer@qvyfc.org
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